Friday, May 7, 2010

A Little More Suspicious Than That

Lies, scandals, corruption, and insider trading, when will it ever stop? Apparently, no time soon! What now you might ask… President Obama recently announced, “that regulatory authorities are ‘evaluating’ Thursday’s wild swings in the stock market.” The motion started when the Dow dropped 1,000 points, yet managed to regain roughly 2/3 of the loss before the market closed.

As it stands now they are calling it a computer glitch, but if you ask me, it sounds a little more suspicious than that. President Obama must feel just as leery, as he “characterized the swing as ‘unusual market activity’.” I would love nothing more than to bestow my trust in our nation’s Security and Exchange Commission, but, unfortunately, they have not made a convincing case.

Of course, no entity wants to tarnish their reputation, so I find it hard to believe that particular body will accept fault for this. It appears that we just want to blame it on technology. Do you miss the good ole days yet? When people followed through on their word, and a handshake was as good as a contract. Abraham Lincoln, one of our past great leaders once said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” His perception is gone along with those days, for now we’re living in a time where it is every man for himself, and no one wants to be held accountable.

Has everyone already forgotten about Eron? The company once highly notable with strong political connections, is now notorious for the largest stock market scam ever! It cast fear, disbelief, and grief throughout or nation and devastated its investors.

Reflect on this, and ask yourself again, if this was a scandal or a computer glitch. “If you’re feeling a sense of déjà vu here, there’s a good reason.”


  1. I see your point in this matter and completely agree that it's way too convenient for it to have been a technological malfunction. There has most likely been some tampering. In my opinion, I believe both parties are at fault. This meaning that there was most likely a software malfuntion that someone noticed but someone took advantage of. Also, even if it is just a technological problem, it's usually because of the person who made it. So, someone is to blame. Only a thorough investigation will prove who or what the true culprit really is.

  2. Gotta Wonder

    The blog “Right Foot Red, Left Hand Blue” written by Megan Basara has recently posted a very interesting commentary about a highly interesting subject matter. Megan titles the post “A Little More Suspicious Than That” and takes a unique stance on the more recent than not, stock market swing. As we all know, the incident has been reported to the public as a computer glitch, yet Megan ops to dig deeper and ask the more underlying question: “Was it a scandal”? To add to the effect, she even throws in another scandal to nudge you a little towards her side of thinking.

    Basara plants an interesting thought in our minds and challenges us to not settle for what the government provides as an answer but to search for our own. It’s my opinion that she brought a whole new element to the forefront and I’d recommend this post to anyone who is interested.
