Friday, April 23, 2010

No "Cum By Ya"

In response to: Nuclear Free World, Possible?

Ahhh… a nuclear-weapon-free world… Oh sorry, I’m awake now, I must have been dreaming, and it looks like the leaders of some of the most powerful countries in the world, including ours, are dreaming too!

Yes, I will applaud President Obama’s efforts and the agreements he’s made with Russia in order to eliminate the use of such weapons, but it is purely naïve for anyone to think this will ever turn into a worldwide policy. There is a reason President Obama isn’t sitting around a campfire singing “Cum By Ya” with Kim Jung IL of North Korea, and Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaeda, and that reason is because there is no negotiating or reasoning with tyrants and dictators.

Our world may or may not be better if there was complete absence of nuclear weapons, but it is not even an idea I think is worth entertaining. Sure, the United States and other countries can cease using nuclear weapons but when our enemies use them against us, I hope I’m already long gone.

1 comment:

  1. It is very interesting to try and think of a world, free of nuclear weapons or any other major threats to our country. I agree with the blog in the fact that this is one of the most unrealistic concepts that I have heard in a long time. Anyone that thinks this might be even somewhat possible is definitely dreaming. And even if this miraculously did occur, someone would come out with something even bigger and badder than the nuclear bomb, doubting whoever might think that that is impossible.

    A world without nuclear weapons would be a happier, less worried world, yes this is true. However, the fact that Obama has an agreement with Russia is terrific but very misleading to anyone thinking this will be a "new trend."
