Friday, May 7, 2010

A Little More Suspicious Than That

Lies, scandals, corruption, and insider trading, when will it ever stop? Apparently, no time soon! What now you might ask… President Obama recently announced, “that regulatory authorities are ‘evaluating’ Thursday’s wild swings in the stock market.” The motion started when the Dow dropped 1,000 points, yet managed to regain roughly 2/3 of the loss before the market closed.

As it stands now they are calling it a computer glitch, but if you ask me, it sounds a little more suspicious than that. President Obama must feel just as leery, as he “characterized the swing as ‘unusual market activity’.” I would love nothing more than to bestow my trust in our nation’s Security and Exchange Commission, but, unfortunately, they have not made a convincing case.

Of course, no entity wants to tarnish their reputation, so I find it hard to believe that particular body will accept fault for this. It appears that we just want to blame it on technology. Do you miss the good ole days yet? When people followed through on their word, and a handshake was as good as a contract. Abraham Lincoln, one of our past great leaders once said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” His perception is gone along with those days, for now we’re living in a time where it is every man for himself, and no one wants to be held accountable.

Has everyone already forgotten about Eron? The company once highly notable with strong political connections, is now notorious for the largest stock market scam ever! It cast fear, disbelief, and grief throughout or nation and devastated its investors.

Reflect on this, and ask yourself again, if this was a scandal or a computer glitch. “If you’re feeling a sense of déjà vu here, there’s a good reason.”

Friday, April 23, 2010

No "Cum By Ya"

In response to: Nuclear Free World, Possible?

Ahhh… a nuclear-weapon-free world… Oh sorry, I’m awake now, I must have been dreaming, and it looks like the leaders of some of the most powerful countries in the world, including ours, are dreaming too!

Yes, I will applaud President Obama’s efforts and the agreements he’s made with Russia in order to eliminate the use of such weapons, but it is purely naïve for anyone to think this will ever turn into a worldwide policy. There is a reason President Obama isn’t sitting around a campfire singing “Cum By Ya” with Kim Jung IL of North Korea, and Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaeda, and that reason is because there is no negotiating or reasoning with tyrants and dictators.

Our world may or may not be better if there was complete absence of nuclear weapons, but it is not even an idea I think is worth entertaining. Sure, the United States and other countries can cease using nuclear weapons but when our enemies use them against us, I hope I’m already long gone.

Friday, April 9, 2010

What would Neil Armstrong think?!

In 1969, Neil Armstrong, and American astronaut, became the first man on the moon, and spoke the unforgettable words, “that’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” The phrase could not be truer, and was likely a glimmer of light on a decade that was plagued with darkness. A decade, for America, that had encompassed the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., and experienced the Vietnam War, along with several other foreign issues. It is now 2010, and the over forty years between has seen leaps and bounds in technology, an ever fluctuating economy, and a cloud of wars and foreign affairs. However, the light the space program bestowed on our nation may soon be forgotten. After this September, the prominent, well-respected space shuttle program will shut down, despite the enumerable value it has brought to our nation, as it’s served as one of our leading science technology sectors.

You have to be asking yourself, “What does someone like Neil Armstrong think about this?” For that matter, what do the hundreds of thousands of people think about this that work there, and/or have dedicated their lives to the space technology that will simply be lost and forgotten in just a few short months?

American’s are being forced to pass off a legacy to the Russians whom we will have to depend on for any further transportation into space. Gene Koprowski with raises a very serious question in asking, “what will happen to American astronauts if U.S.-Russian relations sour?” If I recall correctly there is a saying about history repeating itself, and if I also recall correctly U.S.-Russian relations have always been considerably rocky, and unstable.

I’m starting to wonder what will be next: a military base in North Korea, a McDonalds at the Taliban headquarters, or an American pharmaceuticals company cutting some kind of deal with the Mexican drug cartel.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

You Can't Handle the Truth!

Ann Coulter, author, lawyer, Republican, firecracker, is an accomplished woman in her 40s, who is not afraid to speak her mind. She was born in New York City, raised in an “upper middle class” family, and exposed to conservative values of her father she labels a “union buster” ( Her impressive resume is comprised of a variety of notable positions including, a clerk for the United States Court of Appeals, an attorney in the Department of Justice Honors Program, a litigator with the Center for Individual Rights, and has worked for the Senate Judiciary Committee ( Coulter has also written seven books, all of which have been on the New York Times bestseller list. She is currently the legal correspondent for Human Events and syndicate columnist for the Universal Press Syndicate (

Coulter’s opinion, speeches, and writings are controversial, biased, and without a doubt right-winged. She “is a self-described polemicist” (, and handles opposition and arguments in a witty, matter-of-fact way, all while assailing Democratic values. While liberals may not agree with the message she’s trying to send, Coulter’s attention-grabbing topics are articulately written and/or spoken, and spark interest amongst many.

On March 3, 2010, Coulter bashed Democrat, Charles Hynes, the Brooklyn District Attorney, in an article on her blog titled, “Subprime Mortgage Crisis Hits Whorehouses”. Hynes had recently announced, “no criminality has been found” in regard to, “videotapes made by investigative journalists […] which show ACORN employees counseling the pair on getting a mortgage for a house of prostitution.” The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) is a social and economic justice organization of low and moderate-income people. Coulter claims Hynes’ neglect and failure to investigate the matter is sure to warrant, “another endorsement from ACORN.”

Throughout the article, she presents valid and clear evidence to support her opinion that Hynes is deliberately ignoring the “crimes being discussed on those tapes.” Coulter crushes the even thought there was no crimes being plotted, and in her bold manner states, “I’m not a lawyer – oh, wait, yes, I am – but I count approximately a half-dozen state law crimes being discussed.” She unmasks the truth and presents it in a smart and saucy way, that some may find harsh. It would be easy for one to imagine her shouting, “you can’t handle the truth,” from the movie, A Few Good Men.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wake-Up Democrats! Sincerely, Millennials

E.J. Dionne Jr. has over 34 years of combined experience as a political reporter and columnist, and is currently a professor at Georgetown University, as well as a columnist for the Washington Post. In addition, his resume includes three books pertaining to politics, several awards, and a nomination for the National Book Award.

Dionne’s article, “Under-30 Americans: The next new dealers,” written on Thursday, February 25, 2010, presents an excellent political argument, aimed and intended to serve as a hard-hitting wake-up call for Democrats, who may or may not realize that young Americans are an enormous asset to their political party.

Dionne suggests that Democrats should acknowledge, increase interaction with, and not ignore the Millennial Generation, which encompasses Americans born in 1981 or after. For, this under-30 group “includes the largest proportion of self-described liberals” and, is “the most Democratic age group.”

He continues his argument, emphasizing that young Americans will soon serve as the backbone to our political structure. Therefore, adequate consideration must be shown to the Millennials, whom are traditionally overlooked and shadowed by the attention given to “older folks.”

Much of Dionne’s argument is strongly supported in the report, “Millennials: A Portrait of Generation Next,” from the Pew Research Center, “a nonpartisan ‘fact tank’ that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world.”

Similar to Dionne’s debate, the report suggests a direct connection between Millennials and Democrats, noting that, “Millennials were among Barack Obama’s strongest supporters in 2008, backing him for president by more than a two-to-one ratio.” An obvious correlation between these two groups is hard to deny. However, even harder to understand is why Democrats are not responding.

Unfortunately, people do not age like fine wine; it’s out with the old and in with the new. The big and the best will be traded for the bigger and the even better, and as a result Millennials who, according to the report, “are on course to become the most educated generation in American history,” will eventually become the leaders of our nation. Hence, Dionne believes it is completely irrational for Democrats to ignore the younger generation who dub themselves as liberals.

Any logical person, regardless of your political ideology, must see the truth in the point/wake-up call Dionne is trying to make. This is clearly a no-brainer!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Erase Obesity

Obesity, a word defined as, “increased body weight caused by the excessive accumulation of fat” (, isn’t a common topic of discussion among the United States national government. However, First Lady Michelle Obama recently brought the issue to life. On February, 9, 2010,, an affiliated site of, released a article titled, “First Lady Michelle Obama Launches Let’s Move: America’s Move to Raise a Healthier Generation of Kids.”

The nationwide campaign, focused on battling childhood obesity, promotes healthy choices, increased physical activity, healthier foods in school, and affordable and accessible healthy food to all. The article reports that, “over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates in America have tripled, and today, nearly one in three children in America are overweight of obese.” The seriousness of obesity is further stressed in the article, as it addresses the physical, mental, and emotional health problems that can be caused by the condition. Finally, it emphasis and encourages the nation as a whole to participate, support and help end obesity, for the government cannot act as the single advocate.

This article is without a doubt worth reading and sharing with others. It unmasks the growing problems, and risks our nation faces as a result of such things as a, poor diet, lack of exercise, expensive food prices, and in some cases pure laziness. If simple, accessible, and inexpensive options were available to prevent and reverse obesity wouldn’t everyone want in on this information?